Monday, May 4, 2020

The Influence Technology Has on My Life

It is hard for me to remember what my life was like before it became so engrossed by technology. I started my "relationship" with technology innocently enough playing games on the computer. My favorite thing to do in second grade was to go to "Club Penguin" and set up my igloo. I even got a year membership for Christmas that year! I also enjoyed purchasing stuffed animals called Webkinz that came with a special code where you could go online and take care of your virtual pet. My friends and I loved it and I was hooked. If you are around my age, I am certain you must remember these games. Seems pretty innocent right? However, in retrospect, I was being groomed for a life of craving technology.

Things really heated up when I got my first cell phone in 5th grade. It was an LG Neon phone. I felt like such a cool kid with that thing. This was when texting was difficult and you would have to use that cumbersome alpha type of keyboard. Where there is a will there is a way though. I still managed to text friends and the vicious cycle began. By the time I was in 8th grade I had my first iPhone and started to become active on social media platforms.
Let's fast forward to 2020, I am addicted to my phone and am never without it. I Snapchat, post on Instagram and Facebook and even Facetime friends daily. Texting is a breeze now and my phone can even guess what I am about to say. Basically, I do everything on my phone. I have a pocket-size computer that goes everywhere with me. I mean everywhere! I never go anywhere without it. I am constantly checking my messages and am always connected. Apparently, I am not the only one.  Research shows American teenagers spend an astounding nine hours a day with digital technology. entertaining themselves with streaming video, listening to music and playing games.
I readily admit I spend way too much time on my phone. I have fallen victim to numbers of likes and
posing for way too many selfies. I also have found myself comparing myself to others and have felt left out on occasions. I am guilty of letting social media take up entirely too much of my time and influence my self-worth.  This is an area where I continue to struggle and am conscious of the negative effects it can have on my life.

On the other hand, technology can be so useful. For instance, during this uncertain time of COVID -19 we are still able to continue our classes and keep up with all our coursework via all the advances in technology. I am able to stay in touch with all my college friends who I miss like crazy. I can buy groceries online and have them delivered right to my door. Every song I want to hear can be played at a moment's notice. I can teach myself just about anything from resources available with just a few clicks. The list goes on and on. This is the flip side of technology, it can certainly make life easier.
Middle School Poster: Don't Let the Internet Define You | TpTI think the key to all this is moderation. Just like anything else, too much of a good thing can be detrimental.
As I type this, my phone is blowing up with likes from my Instagram post I posted this morning. I am not going to lie, it feels good to see the likes and comments. I will continue to work on limiting my time and energy into something that can prove to be quite superficial. I think as long as you do not let it define your self-worth and find balance, technology can serve as a positive influence in your life.
Easier said than done...