Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My Best Life!

     It's been a while...Let me start by reintroducing myself. My name is Mia Gindlesperger and I am currently a Junior at High Point University seeking to earn a degree in Strategic Communications with a minor in Social Media Marketing. I love everything about being a student at High Point University! I stay busy on campus as a University Ambassador where I can be found giving campus tours and welcoming students and their families. As a member of Kappa Delta Sorority, I have taken on many leadership roles and have made some amazing friends along the way. 

    I grew up in the "sunshine state" otherwise known as Florida. When I am not at school, you can find me in my hometown of New Smyrna Beach, Florida. I am so fortunate to live right on the ocean. I will never tire of the breathtaking sunrises and sunsets! Blissful walks on the beach with my dogs Charlie and Sophie are another one of my favorite pastimes. 

    I have one older brother and one younger sister. Yes, I am a middle child and yes, it is true what they say about being a middle child. Despite "middle child syndrome" I love spending time with my family. They are the most supportive and loving people. I would be lost without their encouragement and guidance. 

    I come from a family that owns and operates movie theaters. (Not exactly the best business to be in during a pandemic. We are hopeful though that things will turn around as we overcome the COVID-19 virus). I have always been interested in the marketing of our family business and have had the opportunity to assist with writing press releases and helping manage some aspects of our social media accounts while still in high school. This is when I discovered my passion and knew I wanted a career where I can use my talents to help promote and market businesses. 

    I am beyond blessed to be learning from some of the best professors while gaining the skills and knowledge to have a successful career. I aspire to help businesses and organizations grow through the fields of public relations and marketing. The ability to directly help a business reach its goals is of utmost excitement to me.

    In the near future, I am looking forward to pursuing an internship where I can continue to develop and grow my skills. I can not believe how quickly my college years are flying by! I plan on savoring these last two years of learning and living my best life while here at High Point University. I do believe that whatever path life takes me, I will be equipped with the knowledge and skillset to be successful. Of course, a little luck along the way is always welcomed! 


