Saturday, February 22, 2020

Are Anti War Voices Being Heard?

I was recently asked to explore and The American Conservative websites. I immediately noticed the antiwar tones of the writers and the unfamiliar viewpoints being expressed. Why as an educated, soon to be twenty year old, had I not heard these websites?  In addition, many of their opinions were new to me and posed questions and ideas that were of a different mentality. 

Image result for media messages are constructedAre the messages being hidden and held back from the mainstream media? I would say so. These anti-war messages are not broadcast in the manner of stories expressing views in support of war. Media can be manipulated to promote a viewpoint and a certain message to the general public. Propaganda is still used today to persuade people's judgment and decisions. How information is presented to the reader and viewer has a direct impact on how the audience perceives things.

The lines have become blurred? As Donald Trump says, "Fake News". Is it all fake as he would like us to believe? Or is that just another attempt to skew our thoughts.
Image result for fake news
In a world where there are so many conflicting thoughts and ideas thrown our way, it is our job as informed citizens to dig a little deeper and search for the true facts. This is the only way we can form intelligent and informed opinions on such important issues at the forefront today.
So, with that said, I challenge myself to spend a little less time on social media accounts and spend more time searching for answers. Will you join me in this quest?

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