Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Working From Home? How to Design Your Home Office


Let's face it, we are spending more time at home than we ever have. With the COVID-19 pandemic still a threat to our health, more and more people are working from home. When this pandemic began way back in March we were all forced to work from home. Most of us thought I can work from the kitchen or dining room table or maybe set up a temporary spot in my bedroom. Well, here we are 6 months later and that temporary workspace now needs to be transformed into a home office. Many companies have come to the conclusion that their employees are just as productive working from home and have decided to cut costs and forgo renting office space. Others have decided working from home saves time and money as well as the stress of that daily dreaded commute.

    A home office can be so much more than a desk and chair. After all, if you are going to spend 9 hours or more a day occupying the area, doesn't it deserve the same attention as your bedroom and living room when it comes to designing the space. A great thing about working from home is YOU get to decide how you want your home office to look and feel. What inspires you? Is it a certain paint color? Artwork? Or particular objects? Whatever your vibe is, now is your chance to incorporate it into your workspace. 

     What if you do not have a designated room to convert into an office? Don't panic! Home offices come in many different shapes and sizes. It can be in a separate room, a quiet corner of the house, or even occupy space in the kitchen. Again, it all depends on your own personal needs. If you are a busy mom and need to attend to other tasks, office space in the kitchen or centrally located might be ideal. However, if you are a professional you may need to select a space that is quiet and further away from the daily activities of the home. 


    There are so many options to consider when designing a home office space to meet your needs. Does your job require reference materials or catalogs? If so, shelving within arms reach might be necessary. Will you be doing a lot of printing or scanning? Perhaps you might need to consider a workstation close by for those tasks. Let's not forget lighting. Does the area chosen have much natural lighting? Or will lamps be needed to create adequate lighting? Either way, good lighting is a necessity for any home office space. Your home office should be a comfortable and inviting space to spend time and get your work done efficiently.

    Now is your chance to create a workspace you WANT to be in, not one you HAVE to be in! Stubborn Interior Design, can help you create that perfect home office design. Contact us today for an in-home consultation with one of our professional designers.

Work From Home


Home Office

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