Saturday, March 21, 2020

Free Expression = Self Fulfillment

Freedom of Expression allows people to express their thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and emotions freely without government censorship. It gives you a voice and lets you exercise the right to use your voice. Each of us values freedom of expression for our own personal reasons. Yet, I think we can all agree that it is a fundamental right that we are thankful for. 

When reading about the eight values of freedom of expression the fourth one stood out the most to me. The fourth value is individual self-fulfillment, also known as self-actualization. I believe self-actualization is a desire we all possess. A desire to reach our full potential without being held back or restricted by limitations. 

Have you ever played the "quiet game" as a kid? It was our parents' desperate attempt for some peace and quiet masterfully disguised as a game. All, I can remember thinking is how hard it was not to say anything, because the first one to speak was out and lost the game. I would sit there and think of all the things I couldn't wait to say when the game was over. I couldn't wait to express myself. Don't we all want to express ourselves without being restricted or limited? Isn't it through expressing ourselves that we come to the realization of who we are and find our purpose?

Not only do we find our purpose and reach our full potential when we self-actualize; we become our very best. Don't take my word for it, one of the most famous psychologists of the 20th century, Abraham Maslow said: "I think of the self-actualizing man not as an ordinary man with something added, but rather as the ordinary man with nothing taken away." Basically what he was saying is we all are hardwired to self-actualize. 

Free expression leads to self-fulfillment. It is not holding back for fear of being penalized or ridiculed for who we are and what we have to say. So, find your voice, say what you have to say, wait, isn't that the name of a really cool song by John Mayer? I think this is advice we can all live by. This is why I feel self-fulfillment is the most important value of freedom of expression.

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